Review of ‘Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)’ by Marissa Meyer

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)Cinder by Marissa Meyer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It took me forever to get into the hype that is The Lunar Chronicles, and I’m actually glad to be reading the books now that the series has finished, because then I can zip right from one book to the next!

Admittedly, I held out on reading Cinder for so long because I couldn’t get past the fact that she was a cyborg. I honestly didn’t even really know what cyborgs were, thinking they were just robots, so how could a robot really have feelings? But once I learned what a cyborg was, it was a different story for me.

I really felt for Cinder, who was considered second-class because of her being a cyborg, and that she was property of a woman who did not appreciate being the stepmother of someone she basically hated. Cinder is a hard worker, making money as a mechanic at the local market, though any money she made was not hers, but that of the one who owned her.
Another thing I wanted to note about Cinder as a character, was how surprised I was at how much I liked her, because I had previously read some unfavorable reviews, basically alluding to how boring some reviewers had been reading about her, but I wasn’t bored at all, and kept wanting to see what she was planning on doing next.

I liked Kai as well, finding him to be a somewhat pitiful guy, because not only did his emperor father just pass, but he’s thrust into all kinds of royal relations, the worse being that of the Lunar queen, Queen Levana.

Now, Queen Levana was such a fascinating character to me. She’s described as being so incredibly beautiful in person, but whenever she’s to appear on any kind of viewing screen, she wears a white veil (how creepy that must appear!), supposedly because Lunar glamours or the like wouldn’t transmit well through the airwaves.
She’s also known to be incredibly cruel and has no qualms of going to war with Earth if Kai doesn’t agree to a marriage alliance with her.
I’m definitely looking forward to learning more about her!

Cinder was a fun read that had me enthralled from the start, so for that reason I’ll be more than happy to recommend it!

View all my reviews

2 thoughts on “Review of ‘Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)’ by Marissa Meyer

  1. You’ll be pleased to know that Cinder grows even more in later books πŸ™‚ The writing and general atmosphere also improve in each sequel. I simply adored The Lunar Chronicles and hope you do too!
    Currently reading Stars Above and already feeling the pull of nostalgia at my heartstrings…
    Great review πŸ™‚


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